Home / Blog / 150 UK small business grants to apply for right now

150 UK small business grants to apply for right now

May 26, 2023May 26, 2023

UPDATED: Securing grants for your small business or start-up is a constant challenge – but there is help available. Here, we have rounded up a comprehensive list of grants from all over the UK.

These funds are available to SME businesses either within a specified local authority, defined as having fewer than 250 employees or with a turnover of less than £45,000 and a balance sheet totalling less than £39,000.

You will see that many of the funding opportunities are often based on a specific location or sector, or ring-fenced for a certain part of a business, like job creation or making eco-friendly changes. But we explain each grant with the information needed to see if it can apply to your project.

Grants can sometimes be combined with other forms of funding, such as banks, grant makers, crowdfunding platforms and other lenders. In fact, we have teamed up with to help you find the right finance for your business. You can find their page here.

Links to each grant can be found in the numbered headings. Please note that due to events in recent years, some of the original grants are no longer available or have been paused. Where possible, these grants have been replaced.

A good source for help with funding is the Prince's Trust, which offers development awards to help younger people kickstart their business or access training courses.

At present the Trust offers development awards of between £175-£250 for UK residents aged between 16 and 30 who are looking for funds to help with training. They must fit the following criteria:

Furthermore, development awards can support:

Development awards can't support:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

The Government website has lots of info about apprenticeships as well as how to register and use the apprenticeship service. You’ve got different sites for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Innovate UK Smart Grants help deliver ambitious R&D innovations with significant potential for impact on the UK economy.

Funding rounds are open at various points throughout the year.

Gigabit vouchers can be used by small businesses to go towards the cost of installing gigabit-capable broadband connections. SMEs can claim £4,500 against the cost of connection. Find out if you’re eligible by using the postcode checker on the website.

Innovate UK runs a host of other competitions in more niche areas. Find out more on the website.

You’ll have heard of this scheme. It helps start-ups to raise money for their business. You get a maximum of £150,000 including state aid awarded in the three years running up to the date of investment.

Make sure you meet the conditions so investors can claim and keep SEIS tax reliefs relating to their shares. Said tax reliefs will be withheld or withdrawn if you don't meet these conditions for three years after the investment. The money must be spent within three years of the share issue.

Like the Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme, except for established businesses.

UK businesses that are currently exporting can apply for support to:

UK businesses can also apply for support if they’re thinking about exporting but are not currently doing so. The support available through the programme varies. All successful applicants will receive training on successfully exhibiting at:

Some businesses may also receive a grant of either £2,000 or £4,000 as financial support to cover:

You must not have previously received support to exhibit from the UK Tradeshow Programme. You must:

The support available through the programme varies. All eligible applicants will receive training on how to successfully exhibit at overseas trade shows. You must not have previously received any support from the UK Tradeshow Programme.

You must:

Applications must be made at least six weeks before the start of the event.

You can get a discount on the price of brand new low-emission vehicles through a grant the government gives to vehicle dealerships and manufacturers. You do not need to do anything if you want to buy one of these vehicles – the dealer will include the value of the grant in the vehicle's price.

R&D Tax Credits are for innovative projects in science and technology. They can be claimed by firms who want to research or develop an advance in their field. You can even claim it on unsuccessful projects.

You can apply if you have fewer than 500 staff and a turnover of under €100m or balance sheet total under €86m.

British Council Grants fund research, travel and workshops. Have a look at their website for current opportunities.

The Ashden Awards are geared at businesses around the world who have outstanding climate solutions. If you win, you could get a cash prize of up to £20,000 as well as global media coverage and connections with policymakers. Entries for 2023 are closed, but you can submit an expression of interest for 2024.

The Countryside Stewardship has 259 grants in total depending on what improvements you want to make to your business and the options can be filtered to your needs.

Receive a maximum of £30,000 per project for creating multi-purpose woodland.

This is one for entrepreneurs who aim to solve a social issue.

You can apply for up to £8,000 to help you grow along with a support package of one-to-one coaching, training, mentoring and access to networks. They’re focusing their funds on building access to meaningful employment or solutions to encourage healthy ageing

ESA Business Applications offers funding and support to businesses from any sector who intend to use space (satellite navigation, earth observation, satellite telecommunication, space weather, space technologies) to develop new commercial services.

Applications are open all year. Businesses can submit a proposal at any time through the Call for Proposals for Downstream Applications or can apply to a competitive tender or a non-competitive Thematic Call for Proposals.

This fund is for restoring neglected historic buildings and sites. Community organisations can get a grant between £250,000 and £5,000,000.

The Workplace Charging Scheme (WCS) is a voucher-based scheme that provides eligible applicants with support towards the upfront costs of the purchase and installation of electric vehicle (EV) chargepoints.

The WCS is open to businesses, charities and public sector organisations that meet the applicant and site eligibility criteria.

The grant covers up to 75 per cent of the total costs of the purchase and installation of EV chargepoints (inclusive of VAT), capped at a maximum of:

After applying using the online application form, successful applicants are issued with a unique identification voucher code by email, which can then be given to any OZEV-authorised commercial chargepoint installer.

The Waste and Resources Action Programme (wrap) manage grants, loans and investments to help increase the use of recycled materials, growing recycling capacity or overcoming specific market failures by acting as a catalyst to encourage other funders to invest. There are grant opportunities available throughout the year.

This firm (formerly Innovative Medicines Initiative) provides funding for health research and innovation, with opportunities in advanced therapies, voice in cancer clinical trials and more. Open calls are listed on their page.

Each year, we welcome applications from early stage start-ups, spin-outs and academic entrepreneurs who are developing the most novel, innovative and disruptive chemistry tech in each of these four categories:

Following an application round, our judges will carefully review each application and provide helpful feedback, plus there's invaluable publicity and exposure.

The current round is closed, but keep an eye out for next round.

Administered by UnLtd, who also give out the Grow It Award above, Do It will help you start your social enterprise. Alongside giving you £18,000 to build your social venture, they’ll give you access to training and events, and assign you a dedicated award manager (an expert in helping social entrepreneurs to start and grow). The award manager will be there to coach you and support you to achieve your goals. As before, they’re focusing their funds on building access to meaningful employment or solutions for healthy ageing.

A challenge-led competition that funds collaborations between industry, academics and SMEs to solve business and scientific challenges which will deliver scientific benefits, either by improving business processes or developing a commercial product. Depending on the challenge, contracts of up to £1m for up to three years are available.

The Beauty Backed Trust has launched a Grant Programme to support the beauty industry after the Covid-19 pandemic. There are two types of grant – a start-up grant and a support grant – available for people who need extra support and guidance whilst getting back on their feet. The grant can be a mix of funding and stock or equipment.

Business Grants England

A £10.05m Commercial Grant has been established to support SMEs (Small to Medium-sized Enterprises). This Fund has been designed to offer financial support to all Small & Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) within West Midlands Region towards meeting the required Euro standards.

The Commercial Grant will be administered in accordance with the Subsidy Control Regime

Eligibility criteria:

Grant package:

The total grant package for each SME is up to £180,000.

Before applying, you should read the Commercial Grant outline criteria and the Clean Air Zone incentive schemes privacy notice.

Adur council is offering a growth grant and an apprenticeship grant. The Small Business Growth Grant is open to micro businesses with up to ten employees to encourage growth and expansion of the local economy. There's a grant of up to £2,500 available, with a 50 per cent match funding contribution required.

The Apprenticeship Grants are available to individual businesses of up to 50 employees and pays out £1,000 per apprentice. Each individual business can apply for up to two grants.

The Worthing grant fund is now fully committed and not accepting new applications.

The DRIVEN programme provides funding and support to eligible small and medium-sized businesses, to help recruit graduates and students. The Driven programme is to support SMEs to access and retain our student and graduate talent. It's been running since 2018 and has been extended until the end of 2023.

Employ a graduate for at least 400 hours over three months and we will pay £1000 towards the cost. It can be a one-off temporary role or the subsidy can be put towards a full-time, permanent graduate role. You can use this offer multiple times and are welcome to apply for the fully-funded 80-hour internships too.

We also offer a full recruitment service for free, which includes advertising the role, reviewing applications and shortlisting, as well as supporting with interviews, if required.

We will pay your company the subsidy once the 400 hours have been completed.

Under this scheme, your business could receive 80 hours’ work experience from a student or graduate of the University, at no cost to you. Again, we provide free recruitment support including advertising the role, reviewing applications and shortlisting, as well as supporting with interviews, if required.

All you need is to be an SME in the Derbyshire or Nottinghamshire area.

Access Vouchers allow businesses access to AUB's world-class facilities, which include SLS 3D printing, CNC routing, three and five axis CNC milling for prototyping and testing. They also enable businesses to work with staff and students on solutions to their design problems.

The university also facilitates match-funded Innovation Vouchers which support businesses undertaking Research and Innovation projects. Recipients can claim back up to 50 per cent of their financial investment in small research projects.

Vouchers are supported by workshop events that allow businesses to develop new skills, experiment with new equipment and make contacts with like-minded businesses across the region. For example, our Meet the Maker workshops are run in conjunction with local business and focus on applications of technology and design theory. Such as the Introduction to 3D printing in collaboration with industrial designer Studio Wood and experts at our Museum of Design in Plastics.

The New Anglia LEP is awarding grants between £1,000 and £25,000 to entrepreneurs who want to grow their business. These would normally cover up to 20 per cent of your total project costs.

Start-up grants are targeted at new start-ups and businesses less than 18 months old with no more than ten employees. Applications can be made for assistance towards the cost of necessary equipment and machinery (excluding vehicles and consumables e.g. stationery), the extension, adaptation or improvement of facilities within the premises and marketing, where it forms part of a promotional programme which is likely to lead to new jobs.

The maximum amount of grant assistance is up to £1,000 to any one concern in any one financial year.

Grants are awarded at the absolute discretion of Scarborough Borough Council.

Sterling Road's North West Grant gives £1,000 to 25 teams per year.

The grant is focused on founders based in the North West of England, you can apply with any idea but most grants will go to software projects and traditionally overlooked founders.

The application shouldn't take more than 10-15 minutes to complete and Sterling Road will aim to give applicants a response within 30 days.

Haven Gateway Partnership runs I-Construct (Innovation in Construction). This ERDF-funded grant is for SMEs who are looking for opportunities in the construction market. It aims to help them develop new products and services which offer benefits the sector such as improving productivity and sustainability.

You get one of the following options:



Market readiness

The grants are to help manufacturing businesses become more resilient and to help them grow.

There are three priorities for the funding:

1. Investment in new plant or machinery

2. Energy efficiency/Carbon reduction

3. Premises improvements or adaptations

In the first two years of the project (2022/23 and 2023/24) the grant funding can be for up to 50 per cent of eligible project costs. The business would meet the remainder of the cost. The maximum grant is £100,000. The intervention rate will reduce to 20 per cent in the final year of the project (2025/26). The Grants are not retrospective, i.e. any work or item that has already been ordered and/or paid for before your grant application cannot be considered for a grant.

For every £10,000 of grant, the business is expected to create one new full-time job.

In addition to jobs created we are looking for safeguarded Jobs. For every £10,000 of grant the business will need to show that two jobs, which would have been at risk without the funding, have been safeguarded.

Go-Create Grants are offered as part of the Innovation Support for Business (ISfB) Phase 2 programme. Go-Create Grants are available on a competitive basis from £1,000 to £50,000 and are available to eligible small and medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs).

Examples of innovation projects might include:

Applications are submitted all year round with regular deadlines throughout the year.

The aim of the scheme is to help develop the local tourism industry within a number of specific areas to help increase visitor numbers and improve the visitor experience.

Eligible businesses can apply for a 50 per cent match-funded grant.

For Cultural/Heritage Attractions which need repair or restoration and/or towards a feasibility study for improving the visitor experience.

Attractions and event venues can apply for a grant for projects which will help to improve accessibility for visitors with disabilities helping to ensure The Malverns is a visitor destination suitable for all. They can also apply for funding towards projects which help to improve the visitor experience and increase visitor numbers to the district.

The grant scheme will allow for more grants to be provided towards projects enabling tourism and hospitality businesses to improve their green credentials across the Malvern Hills district.

Town Centre festival organisers can apply for a grant to assist with festival development activities.

The aim of the scheme is to support investment by independent traders within the five town centres of the Malvern Hills district (Great Malvern, Malvern Link incl. Link Top, Barnards Green, Upton and Tenbury).

Priority will be given to projects that enhance the area, are likely to attract business and where the improvement will be long lasting (e.g., 5 years and more).

Eligible businesses can apply for a 50% match-funded grant of up to £2500 towards one, or a combination, of the following grants:

1. Shop front Improvements – Undertaking works to improve or refurbish the shop front or internal structural improvements.

2. Empty Shop Support – Support to bring an empty shop back into commercial use including support for equipment, anything external or internal premises related

3. Town Centre Boost – An additional £1000 grant is available to traders or community groups to deliver town centre wide projects and promotions to drive new footfall, investment, or sustainability (there is no match funding requirement associated with this grant).

The aim of the scheme is to support growing businesses based in Malvern Hills district and enable them to make a step change in their development. Growing businesses that have been trading for at least 3 years can apply for a grant of up to £2,500 which must be match-funded, pound for pound (at least), from the business's own resources. Only capital expenditure on an approved project/investment is eligible.

The scheme is aimed at businesses that are not able to receive support through other European funded schemes (these typically support businesses that predominantly trade with other businesses). Malvern Hills District Council reserves the right to refer the applicant to a more suitable scheme where appropriate.

Only businesses which show specific promise and clearly demonstrate how the award will make a measurable difference will be recommended for the grant.

Funding is limited, applications that demonstrate one or more of the following will be prioritised:

· Job creation

· Premises expansion

· Farm diversification

· The applicant business is a rural enterprise

· The applicant business operates in the low carbon economy

· The grant will be used towards expenditure that supports the business’ environmental sustainability

Malvern Hills District Council is helping local businesses create their workforce of the future through the Upskilling Grant Scheme. We will provide funding of up to £1,500 to help with the business cost of training new staff (i.e. apprenticeships, trainee or other).

In order to qualify the business must:

· Be based in the Malvern Hills district postcode area.

· Employ fewer than 250 people.

· Pay at least the Minimum Wage to the trainee for a post of at least 20 hrs a week including training leading to a recognised qualification.

· The apprentice/ trainee must have started their training after 1 October 2022 and have at least a 12-month signed employment contract.

You will also need to provide the following evidence:

1. Proof of enrolment on a training course signed by the employer and training referrer/provider organisation

2. Copy of the contract of employment

3. Signed Grant Agreement between employer and Malvern Hills District Council

4. Any additional evidence requested by Malvern Hills District Council

If you would like to discuss this grant, email [email protected] or call 01684 862185

This grant is funded by the East Sussex County Council and Regional Growth Fund. Grants range from £10,000 to £25,000 but you’ll need minimum match funding of 60 per cent.

There's also a £1,500 grant for a newly accredited apprentice position. It's a one-off payment with no match or evidence of spend necessary.

Locate East Sussex provides support and access to funding for local businesses to promote growth, including grants between £10,000 and £25,000.

The business boost grants can help your business with:

All applications require at least 50 per cent match funding and three quotes for each element

This is a one-off grant up to £1,000 (up to 50 per cent of eligible cost) to go towards start-up costs, such as marketing or buying equipment. You’ll need quotes from traders and a business plan which includes a sustainability section.

The Elmbridge Digital High Street Fund (EDHSF) offers grants to help independent high street retailers to establish or upgrade e-commerce websites.

Funding of up to 50 per cent of eligible costs, up to a maximum of £1,500, is available to independent high street retailers located within the defined primary or secondary frontage of Elmbridge town centres and high streets.

Worcestershire County are providing free energy and resource efficiency reviews as well as grants up to £20,000. They’re available to SMEs throughout Worcestershire, Herefordshire, Telford and Wrekin and Shropshire. A minimum energy spend applies.

Businesses at the start-up stage or which have been trading for less than 12 months can apply for a grant of up to £1,000, if working from home, or £2,000, if in commercial premises, towards ‘one-off’ costs such as building works, fixtures and fittings, equipment, new website or software to help set up. The grant must be matched funded pound for pound from the business's own resources.

The new business must be based in Worcester.

Businesses applying for the Worcester City Council start-up grant will be expected to have received business start-up advice (ideally through the Enterprising Worcestershire programme) and must provide a business plan.

This project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. The Business Start-up Grant is part of Worcester City Council's allocation of £2.96m.

For further information and to request an application pack, contact the Worcester City Council Economic Development team either by email [email protected] or call 01905 722106.

In addition, businesses operating from retail premises might be eligible for the Retail Enhancement Grant. Businesses moving into an empty unit can apply for a grant of up to £12,000 towards the cost of refurbishment. For those already in a retail unit, there is a grant of up to £6,000 for improvements to the internal appearance, frontage or accessibility.

Business Lincolnshire is awarding grants to SMEs looking to increase turnover or create jobs. It can contribute between 40 per cent and 50 per cent of your overall costs, ranging from £1,000 to £5,000. Your firm must be based in the Greater Lincolnshire area and your grant activity proposal must be agreed with a Business Lincolnshire adviser.

Applications can be for a capital or revenue grant.

They’re available through the Lincolnshire Growth Hub Business Growth Grant (Enterprise), for purchasing equipment, software and specialist consultancy support.

Expansion grants are aimed at assisting both existing businesses in the Borough who may be looking to strengthen their market position or expand into new markets as well as new businesses attracted into the area. The grant is primarily targeted at revenue schemes rather than capital projects and will be based on a specific need being identified through the development of business plan and evidence of job creation.

The maximum amount of grant assistance is up to £5,000 to any one concern in any one financial year.

The council's priorities and objectives are:


Warwickshire County Council is offering grants to small businesses who have growth plans. Grants of £5,000 to £35,000 are available to small and micro businesses for capital projects.

At present, there's only one grant available through Pendle Borough Council: Premises Improvement Grants.

These grants provide assistance of up to 50 per cent of eligible costs, up to a maximum of £3,000 (or £1,500 maximum in West Craven). It applies to eligible buildings which are occupied by commercial users and are located within Pendle and town centre boundaries. It also covers redundant commercial properties within and immediately adjacent to the town centre planning boundaries.

The UK Seafood Fund is a £100m fund set up to support the long term future and sustainability of the UK fisheries and seafood sector.

The fund is managed by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).

The UK Seafood Fund consists of a number of schemes that come under 3 areas of funding:

Apply using the link above.

Help is available for businesses and organisations that are either moving into empty retail premises or are looking to make improvements to their existing building.

The grant will support occupancy and improvements to internal appearance, frontages, and accessibility of empty and occupied retail units across Worcester. The unit can be used for purposes such as retail, hospitality, leisure, personal care services or provision of financial services.

Businesses moving into an empty unit can apply for a grant of up to £12,000 towards the cost of refurbishment. For those already in a retail unit, there is a grant of up to £6,000 for improvements to the internal appearance, frontage or accessibility.

The grant can be used for items such as building works, premises refurbishment, fixtures and fittings, signage and other associated costs to either bring the empty units back into use or improve an occupied unit. The grant must be match-funded, pound for pound (at least), from the business's own resources.

The Retail Enhancement Grant aims to encourage longer-term occupation of vacant retail premises and improvements to existing shops to complement the wider investment in the public realm and help ensure Worcester remains an attractive place to visit.

This project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. The Retail Enhancement Grant is part of Worcester City Council's allocation of £2.96m.

Provided by Test Valley Borough Council, the Independent Retailer Grant supplies £1,200 to encourage independently owned retailers to take up vacant space in Romsey and Andover.

It's open to new or existing businesses moving into ground floor premises which have been vacant for at least one month in the primary shopping areas of Andover and Romsey.

Grants under this scheme are intended to reduce the risk faced by some of the most historic sites within England, according to the Heritage at Risk Register. You can apply for a grant at any time during the year and Historic England will aim to get you a response within six months.

Available to Crawley-based businesses in need of start-up funds or existing businesses looking to grow. You must be based in Crawley and have fewer than 50 employees. On top of that, you’ll need to match fund by at least 50 per cent.

The maximum grant available is £4,000 and it's available until the pot has run out.

The Food & Drink Forum, in partnership with The Mallows Company, has secured ERDF funding to offer a range of useful services to food and drink manufacturers.

Grant funding is available to eligible businesses looking to purchase production equipment to purchase equipment or take on further training or mentoring. The FEAST2 project can offer businesses up to 25 per cent of grant funding to support these purchases, though certain conditions apply.

Businesses will be required to complete and submit a grant application form together with three quotes for each piece of equipment.

If you sign up to the Future Focus programme you can access:

As part of this programme, the University of Exeter aims to help Cornish businesses explore the relationship between business and the environment, to move to a more environmentally sensitive, ethically responsible and circular way of running your business.

Through the programme, we’ll provide the hard facts about how a business can change its impact for the better through academic lead workshops; engaging events on sustainability, the environment, net zero and circular economy; funded research and development unique to each business and one-to-one support plus grants, jobs support and more.

You can get in touch on the website.

The Enterprise Scheme aims to support new and young businesses. The scheme will encourage the occupation of vacant commercial premises, help regenerate town centres, stimulate entrepreneurship, create new jobs and enhance the sustainability of new businesses.

Pre-start and new businesses trading for less than 36 months can apply for a grant of up to £500 or £1,000 if they meet the following criteria:

Nab an ongoing grant of up to £1,000 from Reigate and Banstead Borough Council with a free year membership of Enterprise Nation thrown in. It's open to businesses looking to start, develop or grow. You must be based in the borough and have fewer than four employees.

The NBV grant is for businesses based in Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Greater Lincolnshire. Grants between £1,000 and £2,500 are available and your project spend must be a minimum of £4,000.

Hertfordshire Growth Hub's Get Growing 2 service supports local businesses that are ready to grow again. It is fully funded through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and offers a package of tailored support to businesses, helping them to become more profitable, competitive and grow.

To be eligible for this support you must:

Eligible businesses are supported by an experienced growth account manager. They will work closely together reviewing all aspects of the business, looking at the challenges and opportunities that exist to produce a realistic growth plan for the business. Areas where additional support will benefit the business are also identified, as well as providing access to all the benefits that our website has to offer, including on-demand videos and live webinars.

For more information, please email [email protected]

The Department for International Trade has launched a European Structural and Investment Fund (ESIF) for eligible East Midlands businesses. Match-funded grants of between £1,000 and £9,000 will be available for future activity. You must be funding 40 or 50 per cent of the total cost of the project yourself.

• Your company must be a small or medium sized enterprise (SME) with up to 250 employees• No more than 25 per cent of the business is owned by an enterprise which is not a SME• Annual turnover does not exceed €50m or annual balance sheet does not exceed €43m

The funding can be used to support areas including (but not exclusively limited to):

• Market research• IP advice• Translation services• International social media/SEO• Trade fairs (where no TAP funding is available)• Independent market visits• Consultancy and other international commercial services

The CITB has grants and funding schemes available throughout England.

The West Midlands Small to Medium Enterprise (SME) Grant Programme (WMGP) has launched, and funding round 2 is now open.

To be considered for this grant, you must submit your application form before May 31, 2023.

Funding round 3 will open on June 1, 2023.

This grant is for:

We expect most applications to apply for an average grant of between £10,000 to £20,000, and only in exceptional circumstances will grants of up to £100,000 be awarded. This is to make sure that the limited WMGP budget is given to as many businesses as possible.

Businesses from all sectors are eligible for consideration, except for:

Training and skills development are also ineligible because provisions for these activities will be supported through different funding routes.

Business projects can be considered for:

To support your application, the Growth Hub advisor will need to complete a free business advisor diagnostic.

When we receive your application, your details will be shared with the Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership (GBSLEP) business advisor to arrange a free business diagnostic appointment.

All the documents needed to apply for this grant are available. It's strongly recommended that you check the eligibility criteria to make sure that you qualify for consideration before approaching a business advisor and completing a grant application.

You can download the WMGP eligibility criteria and other WMGP documents.

If you want to receive the WMGP application, you can email [email protected].

The guidance provided within the downloads will help you to complete the application form. It is important that you make sure that you follow the guidance closely to prevent delays with your application.

You can land a grant between £1,000 and £3,000 which must be match-funded at least pound for pound. So, your project will need to cost a minimum of £2,000. You must have been trading for more than one year.

The grant supports SMEs who create Apprenticeships in sectors facing high demand and growth from employers as identified in the Tees Valley Strategic Economic Plan.

The priority sectors being supported by the grant are:

Apprenticeship Support Grant is available to SMEs identified by Tees Valley Combined Authority as being in one of the above priority sectors:

For any employers who do not fall into one of the above Priority Sectors, the following Grant is available:

The North of Tyne Growth Fund is a £4.6m programme of investment part-funded by ERDF that supports SME growth.

You could be eligible for a grant of up to 30 per cent of expenditure if you are an SME planning capital investment of at least £67,000 and expanding or establishing in Newcastle, Tyneside or Northumberland.

The Net Zero Grant Programme (NZGP) has launched, and funding round 2 is now open, so submit your application form before the closing date of May 31, 2023 to be considered (next round will open on June 1, 2023).

NZGP is open to Small to Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) from all sectors which are based within, or relocating into, the Birmingham City Council local authority area.

Prior to applying for NZGP, all applicants must have undertaken a free energy audit/diagnostic/on-site carbon reduction survey prior to submission of an application. Please note that we are currently awaiting confirmation of the energy diagnostic survey provider and will update this webpage with contact details as soon as they are available.

Businesses from all sectors are eligible for consideration, except for charities, those of a political or religious persuasion, activities involving pornography or clairvoyance and any business activity that is illegal or deemed as unsuitable for public support by Birmingham City Council.

Training and skills development are also ineligible as provision for these activities will be supported via alternative funding routes.

The Manufacturing Growth Programme supports manufacturing in the UK. It's part of a whole package – a manufacturing growth manager who will provide on-going support, identify opportunities and plans for growth plans and you’ll work with experts to implement those plans. The grant covers a percentage of the cost, plus connection to wider support. You must be able to demonstrate that you have plans to improve and grow the business.

Grant values are specific to each business application. Maximum project value of £10,000 with a minimum grant value of £1,000. Capital grants are available and will be considered for exceptional cases (subject to panel approval). Projects must be completed, claimed and paid for within four months of grant confirmation.

Growth Curve is a fully funded programme for high growth businesses based in the South East Midlands, providing a combination of support including grants.

The Stoke and Staffordshire Growth Hub offer grants of between £1000 and £10,000 to support small and medium sized enterprises (employing less than 250 people) with specific projects or investments such as construction and fittings associated with premises expansion or purchase of capital investment.

Aims to create additional employment in businesses that have been established for 12 months or more. A grant of up to 53 per cent of the project total cost can be applied for.

Unfortunately, the scheme is not open to those in retail, restaurants, farming or non-profit sector.

Mansfield Council has a selection of business grant schemes, offering up to £2,500.

NPIF provides funding throughout north of England through microfinance, debt and equity funds.

They’re broken down like so: Microfinance (£25k-£100K) Debt Finance (£100k-£750k) and Equity Finance (£50k-£2m)

Revenue grants are available are available at £1,000 at a total project spend of at least £1,667. Funds can be used for consultancy costs to cover website development, SEO, marketing plans, product development and growth planning.

Buckinghamshire have a plethora of options for grants for manufacturing, growth, innovation and other areas. Check Buckinghamshire Business First to see what's available.

Used for any project that requires you to work with a financial advisor, accountant or consultant to aid your business's ability to access finance and investment that will aid long-term growth.

Example projects are:

Grants are between £1,000 and £2,500 (grants cover 40 per cent of total eligible project costs)

LEAP grants are a small injection of funding of up to £2,000 aimed at start-ups and small businesses based in the Horsham District, with less than 20 FTE employees. You will need to match fund the grant funding by contributing towards 25 per cent of your total project cost with your own investment.

In order to apply, you must meet the following requirements:

Applying is easy. All you need to do is fill in our online application form and include the following:

LEAP is currently open to applications and will close on Wednesday November 30, 2022, or earlier if all funds are allocated.

Appraisal panel meetings are held every four weeks, therefore applicants are notified of a decision within four weeks of submitting their application.

The current round closes on Friday May 26.

To make sure you’re the first to know when the next LEAP funding round opens, sign up to Horsham's Business email newsletter.

If you have any queries, contact the Economic Development Team at [email protected]

Fully funded bespoke assessment, delivered by the National Composites Centre, enabling SMEs to see the benefits industrial digital technologies can offer their business.

Eligible businesses will be able to access match funded grants for SMEs to invest in digital technology hardware or software and/or specialist advice to implement projects.

Eligible businesses will be able to access leadership and management training, and student internships, delivered by the University of the West of England, to ready your workforce for a digital future.


Businesses that are likely to get the most value out of this programme will have a minimum of two employees.

You can receive funding of up to £15,000 towards replacing existing inefficient systems and equipment within your business, and installation of new smart systems to help you save energy.

As well as being a small business, you must agree to have an on-site energy assessment and attend at least one workshop or networking event to be eligible.

As a creative and digital SME based in the Nottinghamshire or Derby area, we can offer funding to help you recruit our NTU graduates with a 20 per cent salary contribution for up to five months of a graduate placement.

To find out more about hiring a graduate and receiving a grant for your business, get in touch with the team at [email protected] who will guide you through the application process.

Eden Tourism offers a small tourism marketing grant for tourism related projects in the Eden District. There is a maximum of £500 available per project. Applications can be made at any time throughout the year.

Application details are on the Eden Tourism site linked above.

Low Carbon Workspaces is supplying funds between £1,000 and £6,750 for businesses to take on green initiatives like double glazing, LED lighting and smart heating. It's open to SMEs in Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Milton Keynes and Northamptonshire.

Business Transition to Net Zero Grant is aimed at businesses in Norfolk and Suffolk with ambitions to reduce their carbon footprint and increase productivity.

Grants between £25,000 and £100,000 are available, with a maximum intervention rate of 20 per cent of the cost of the development. To be awarded the minimum of £25,000, you must show total project costs of at least £125,000.

The scheme will fund capital developments, rather than LED lighting or the supply or installation of solar panels. Eligible schemes will include those which improve productivity for the business and supply chain and make use of clean and/or renewable energy production and the recycling of goods and materials.

You will be taken though a consultancy to develop a decarbonisation plan, if you don't have one already, and these will include aspirations for energy efficiency, water efficiency, waste reduction, and a reduced impact on the natural environment.

To be eligible for grant funding, you must meet the following essential criteria:

• Employ fewer than 250 people and have a turnover of less than EUR 50m or annual balance sheet less than EUR 43m• Be a trading enterprise and have at least two years’ worth of accounts• Be based in Norfolk or Suffolk• Be ready to invest or expand in the local area• Must not have been a company ‘in difficulty’ on December 31, 2019• Must not be subject to pending striking off or insolvency action• Your business does not fall into one of the following sectors: primary agriculture (including processing and marketing of agricultural products), horticulture, fisheries, aquaculture, forestry, coal, steel, shipbuilding, care, education, retail, hospitality or accommodation.

The grant is for capital developments, the following are examples of what they cannot fund:• Core running or staff costs (revenue costs)• Solar panel supply and/or installations• Premises costs• LED lighting• Vehicles (energy efficient or fossil fuel)• Intangible Assets – IP, Patents, Trademarks, Trade Names• Any costs incurred before a grant offer is made• Items not directly needed to deliver the proposed work• The replacement of items and consumables including laptops and software• Website creation• WMS/CRM platforms or equivalent• Land purchase• VAT, unless this cannot be recovered• Any projects that can be funded from other LEP grant schemes• Repeat applications, including from linked companies

To apply, contact New Anglia Growth Hub via

This is a page detailing several grants and funding opportunities for farmers and land managers.

Click on the link above to find out more about this grant and others for farmers and land managers.

If you have a small or medium-sized business in Greater Manchester, you may be eligible for the Energy Efficiency Grant which is between £2,000 and £25,000 (before VAT), with grant funding covering 50 per cent of the costs of your energy efficiency improvements. The maximum grant value awarded is £12,500.

The grants are available for a limited time on a first-come-first-served basis and can go towards, for example:

Energy Efficiency Grants are available to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Greater Manchester subject to business and project eligibility and the scale of CO2e savings expected from the project.

Complete the short form on the website to kick off your application.

This programme offers free renewable energy/low carbon innovation assessments along with grants to SMEs in Worcestershire (and grants only to SMEs in Shropshire). SMEs will be encouraged and enabled to adopt lower carbon technologies – or the grant can help businesses in the clean innovation or those developing low carbon solutions alongside their normal business operations.

Some sectors such as primary agriculture and finance are not eligible.

The Lancashire Manufacturing Growth Fund wants to support ‘relatively significant’ projects with a value of around £10,000, which would warrant a grant of around £3,000. It’ll fund 30 per cent of your project. Again, those projects that lead to job creation and increased productivity are most desirable.

This scheme is to help small businesses in West Yorkshire to deal with rising energy costs. It offers 50 per cent funding up to £5,000, providing practical support such as help to buy a more efficient boiler or help installing new low-energy lighting.

The grants are open to businesses with 50 or fewer employees of all sectors.

Key Fund is one for socially driven businesses with community at their heart. You’ll get support with your application plus flexible grant and loan packages. Investment of up to £150,000 for community and social enterprises operating in the North of England and the Midlands.

Medilink Solstice is aimed at businesses in the life sciences sector who are based in the Leicester LEP area.

You’ve got three grants to choose from:

This one's open to businesses in the green tech, low carbon and renewable energy sectors, with grants starting from £10,000 available. Your aim should be to increase productivity, skills and employment.

You can use the money in the following areas:

Start Up West Yorkshire has a comprehensive business programme for businesses who have been actively trading for less than 12 months.

Start Up West Yorkshire will help you achieve your business goals, through mentoring, 121 support, webinars and workshops as well as events and development opportunities.

You’ll be matched with an expert business advisor to help you navigate the world of self-employment, and alongside your work with them, they’ll give you access to a range of exclusive webinars to help you on your way.

To be eligible for Start Up West Yorkshire, you must be:

To register onto the programme, it's easy! All you need to do is complete the registration form on the website or call on 03301 755 759.

This programme covers SMEs in Worcestershire, Herefordshire, Telford and Wrekin who could get a grant up to £20,000. There are only a limited number of free energy and efficiency assists left on the programme. Grant funding is running very low for Worcestershire and has now been fully allocated in Herefordshire, Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin.

With this scheme, you can get a grant to cover part of the cost of replacing fossil fuel heating systems with a heat pump or biomass boiler.

You’re eligible if:

You’re still eligible if you’ve already had funding to make your property more energy efficient, for example by insulating it.

This is a grant fund to help businesses, organisations communities and individuals interested in developing skills in the green economy and investing in green energy and carbon reduction schemes.

The green entrepreneurs fund, which is being run in collaboration with the University of Derby, is made up of three funding streams:

Green entrepreneurs small grant fund

Grants of between £6,000 to £20,000 are available for proposals for alternative energy, clean fuel and carbon reduction projects.

To be eligible, projects must have a minimum spend of £15,000 and there is a maximum intervention rate of 40 per cent. A total of £500,000 has been set aside for this fund.

Green entrepreneurs demonstrator grant fund

£1.2m has been earmarked for a small number of high-quality, larger scale carbon-cutting projects in Derbyshire. This fund is open to larger scale projects that are designed to encourage solutions beyond the mainstream of current thinking.

The maximum grant available through this fund is £200,000.

Green entrepreneurs scholarship fund

This fund will support individuals to retrain with skills to enable them to enter the field of low carbon, green energy. Individuals can access up to £1,500 for training costs. £100,000 has been set aside for this fund.

The scholarship grants will allow individuals to study around their existing responsibilities. It will enable them to obtain the skills and qualifications they need to change their career or progress in employment. The study can take place either online or face to face or a combination of both.

Applicants are encouraged to contact the careers service and discuss their plans before applying for a green entrepreneur programme scholarship grant.

This one is a Yorkshire-based grant for community infrastructure projects and countryside conservation work in the Howardian Hills Area of Natural Beauty (AONB).

Assistance normally sits in the 30-75 per cent range but with this scheme you may be funded 100 per cent of your project.

Energy for Business has grants up to £10,000. They’re aimed at businesses in Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire or Leicestershire who improve energy, reduce emissions or are introducing sustainable technologies. The organisation will fund 40 per cent, up to £10,000.

You’ve got a few conditions to bear in mind. The minimum project cost must be £2,500 and the maximum £24,999 – you’ll be given the grant once the work is completed.

Benefit from up to £25,000 financial support to help meet the costs of workplace travel improvements such as electric vehicle charge points, cycle parking, showers, pool bikes, car sharing and car parking management.

You’re eligible if your business is inside the Nottingham City boundary. Take a look on the webpage for what the grant will and won't support.

The Growth Fund is a £4.5m programme of investment part-funded by ERDF that supports SME growth. You could be eligible for a grant of up to 30 per cent of expenditure, if you are an SME, planning capital investment of at least £67,000 and expanding or establishing in Gateshead, South Tyneside or Sunderland.

Social enterprise, Wenta, provides access to grants for businesses in Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Enfield. It can offer up to £3,000 via business support programmes. Find out more through its website.

The Growth Deal aims to drive business growth, give people new skills, test new innovations, invest in transport infrastructure and regenerate key sites for employment in the Black Country. It wants to maximise the economic impact of growth opportunities from the automotive, aerospace and construction sectors which prominent manufacturing areas in the Black Country. Funding is awarded on a case-by-case basis.

The only grant available is the Site Investigation Fund, aimed at private sector landowners seeking to de-risk and address uncertainty on their sites.

SMEs in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire can apply for Elevator grants to hire talent. They must be in creative or digital industries (CDI), though.

They’ll put 40 per cent towards projects with a minimum cost of £2,500. The maximum grant cost is £3,000.

Duplex Investment Fund is a new way to help finance capital investments by local businesses. It combines public sector grants and loans to give you financial flexibility and ensure that your project proceeds successfully.

The value of the grant can be almost as much as the total interest payable on the loan.

You receive a loan to cover the full cost of your capital investment project on day one. Once you have obtained and paid for your capital item(s) you receive a grant which is up to 40 per cent of the total cost.

You must:

Growing Hull and East Yorkshire is a £1.5m business investment scheme aiming to provide capital grants to SME businesses in Hull and East Yorkshire to support and incentivise business growth, investment and job creation.

The programme builds on the success and momentum of the successful Growing the Humber business grant programme. The scheme should be considered alongside other finance options such as bank loans or asset finance.

Grants of between £5,000 and £250,000 are available to SME businesses that are able to demonstrate viability and will contribute to the wider growth of Hull and East Yorkshire. Grants below the minimum threshold may be considered as an exceptional case.

Another Proof of Concept grant, this fund gives up to £16,500 at an intervention rate of up to 55 per cent to fund an approved development project. It's expected to close early 2023. You must be based in the Black Country, The Marches or Stoke on Trent and Staffordshire.

It's targeted towards businesses in the following areas:

The Retail Improvement Grant Scheme can offer small grants of up to £4,000 aimed at supporting businesses in making key improvements to their premises and retail operations. Eligible projects could include, but are not limited to: lighting and decoration improvements; minor building works; shop-front enhancements; display equipment; and payment system improvements, but does not include salaries, overheads, rent or stock.


To apply for the grant, you must meet the following requirements:

Applying for a Retail Improvement Grant is simple. Visit the Grant Approval website, create or sign in to an account, and complete the application form: ‘Retail Improvement Grant’.

You will be asked to provide background information on your business, some detail about the proposed retail improvement project you are applying for and some supporting evidence.

The University of Derby supplies loans between £15,000 and £250,000 to support private businesses across the East Midlands to innovate, grow and create jobs. The following objectives will be prioritised:

You must be able to create jobs that can be sustained for at least three years – businesses that create higher-skilled jobs are preferred. The following sectors are also preferred:

Match-funded grants of between £500 and £3,000 for Hertfordshire residents looking to start a business. The grant can be used towards any start-up or development costs such as: – Marketing and promotional support– Website development– Professional/legal advice– Financial planning/advice– Intellectual property advice (trademarks, patents, design registration, copyright, etc.) In addition, Hertfordshire Start-up Programme offers 12 hours of free business advice worth £1,400. You can find out more about the Hertfordshire Start-up Programme here.

Does your organisation support people with education and training in construction? Good news. You may be eligible for a corporate grant from the B&CE Charitable Trust.

Grants are available for projects that either promote careers in the construction industry or lead to accredited qualifications.

We encourage applications from not-for-profit organisations, excluding public sector. However, if you’re unsure, please get in touch.

If you’d like to find out more about our grants for organisations or make an application, please get in touch – email us at [email protected].

We also provide grants to help individuals get back into construction or to retrain in another skill if there's an occupational health requirement. Find out how to apply for grants for individuals for education or training.

With this apprenticeship fund, you can get assistance to cover the cost of training for an apprentice role, apprenticeship training for your existing workforce and funding to support employment costs for a new apprentice.

Engineering training grants are funded by the industrial training levy and used to meet the needs of employers and the wider industry.

Grants that are paid employers to subsidise training costs for their workforce. The ECITB also pays grants to training providers who provide the training, tests and qualifications that industry requires.

The ECITB works with employers to identify training needs and to drive up skill levels across the industry. Eligible employers can access a wide range of engineering training grants to support the training they require.

Some grant money is invested in strategic projects that benefit the wider industry, for instance a project to recruit more apprentices to our graduate retention programme for the oil and gas industry, which has helped to secure graduates skills during the economic downturn.

Grant support is available for a range of training activities. The ECITB prioritises funding for training that improves the productivity and safety of the engineering construction workforce and also training that develops skills that are transferrable across industry.

These areas of training include:

Some training, such as safety passports required to gain access to sites and to ensure a worker can travel overseas, is excluded from grant support. This includes:

All in-scope engineering construction companies are eligible for support from engineering training grants, whether they pay the training levy or not. The levy contribution or size of a company has no bearing on the decision to award a grant. Small and medium-sized companies may be exempt from levy payments but are eligible to receive training grants.

To apply for grant funding:

For further information please see the ECITB's grant policy here.

The RDPE is as it sounds: a programme to develop agricultural and forestry sectors. Within the programme, there are a number of grants for farming ammonia reduction, countryside productivity and rural broadband.

Business Grants Wales

The main providers of grants in Wales are the Welsh Government, the UK Government, the EU, local authorities and charities.

The finance locator on the Business Wales website is a great starting point for looking at the grants and other types of funding available in Wales, allowing you to filter and sort your results by funding type, source, geographic area, application status and so on to see the most relevant options for your business.

Working Skills for Adults 2 will help to improve your skills and knowledge, boost your confidence and ultimately put you in a better position to grow within your current role or to seek another position.

What we offer

Courses are designed to give you the skills and knowledge to progress. Flexible options available including daytime, evening, weekend and online classes.


For more information, please contact Torfaen Employability Team on 01633 647743 or email [email protected]

Alternatively complete the enquiry form and a member of the team will contact you.

The BG Effect Business Fund is a series of tools from BGCBC business development officers. It includes business start-up drop-in sessions, practical help and support from a volunteer team, links to programmes and Government support organisations and a local network of contacts, knowledge and resources.

This business development grant is to help companies to start up a business for the first time. Business start-ups in all business sectors may be considered. The applicant must be setting up the business in the Caerphilly County Borough.

Eligible costs could include:

The business must not have started prior to application and approval. It's a discretionary grant and can provide 50 per cent of eligible project costs to a maximum of £500.

The Caerphilly enterprise fund can support new and established businesses and community enterprises throughout the County Borough.

The fund can cover revenue costs and the maximum grant is £2,000 at an intervention rate of 50 per cent.

Eligible project costs can include:

If you are a start up business you will need to submit a business plan together with the application form.

If you are an existing company you will also need to submit trading accounts.

ReAct is a redundancy support which helps businesses connect with people who have lost their jobs. The programme can help you pay their wages and get them into role-specific training.

You’ll receive £3,000 in quarterly instalments of up to £750 for the first 12 months to help cover their wages plus up to £1,000 for any job-related training. An additional £1,000 (up to £250 per quarter) is available if you recruit a disabled person or a young person aged 18-24. If you recruit a young disabled person an additional £2,000 (£500 per quarter) is available. The scheme will cover those who are either on formal notice of redundancy; or those who have been made redundant in the past 12 months; or someone who will become unemployed in the next 12 months for reasons other than redundancy.

Grants are available to commercial, social, cooperative enterprises and community enterprises that aim to preserve and increase local prosperity in areas considered strongholds of the Welsh language, namely Anglesey, Gwynedd, Ceredigion and Carmarthenshire (the ARFOR region).

Grants of £5,000 to £75,000 are available, to fund up to 70 per cent of total project costs. All projects must be completed by December 31, 2024. Applicants are required to provide at least 30 per cent of their total project costs from other sources.Supported projects and activities will contribute to the following programme objectives:

Applications may be made at any time.

Application details and further information can be found on the websites of the four county councils comprising the ARFOR region, and from the ARFOR programme website.

Gwynedd County Council is keen to help SMEs to get ISO accreditation for their business. The funding goes towards the cost of working with a consultant to get necessary certification. Unfortunately, the cost of the certification isn't included.

A discretionary grant to support the growth of Conwy businesses, social enterprises or farm diversification projects. Up to 50 per cent of the eligible project cost, with a minimum grant of £200 to a maximum of £1500. This maximum may be increased for exceptional projects meeting specific criteria

Who can apply?

What type of business? (This list is not exhaustive)

What projects are eligible?

Projects which will help the business to achieve one or more of the following:

If approved, you will need to provide the following before payment can be released.

Providing all documentation is received, payment is usually made within 14 days. If you would like more information or want to apply, please email [email protected]

Grants of up to £2,500 are available outside the city centre and up to £5,000 for city centre businesses – up to a maximum 50 per cent of net costs. Elements of these grants are discretionary based on various economic and wellbeing objectives.

The grant is available towards the following elements:

Fund is closed – may re-open at a later date

Rural businesses will get support from this fund. It will help develop new and existing premises for them with a view to creating new jobs. The grant will either be based on £20,000 per job created or up to the following intervention rates: small businesses 45 per cent and medium businesses 35 per cent. The maximum grant is £128,000 unless it's an exceptional case where funding may be increased.

The programme offers support to high growth pre-revenue firms and SMEs. You must be able to grow turnover by at least 20 per cent a year, generate at least ten new jobs in three years. Start-ups are also accepted but they must have been trading for 12 months and must be looking to achieve the levels of growth mentioned above.

Neath Port Talbot Council's Innov8programme provides a range of support and advice to people aged 18+ on starting, developing and growing a business including:

The programme provides grant support to cover up to 50 per cent of eligible start-up costs up to a maximum of £1,000. All capital costs (with the exclusion of vehicles) are eligible as well as pre-start costs such as stock, overheads and marketing.

Funding is subject to the client setting up their business within Neath Port Talbot and successfully completing a recognised start up course. Details of courses will be discussed as part of the application process.

To find out more about Innov8, contact Sian Wyndham at Sandfields Young Business Centre on 07971 719745 or email: Business Services

Part of the cost of a Knowledge Transfer Partnership is funded by a grant from Innovate UK or other government co-funders that you apply for in a competitive bid for submissions (there is a success rate for applications of around 90%). The remainder of the project cost is met through a cash payment by your organisation.

Project costs are variable, but can typically be around £80,000 – £100,000 per project year. For Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises the grant rate is 67% of the project cost; for large companies 50%; and for third sector organisations the grant rate is 75%.

The cost of a KTP is comparable to employing a well-qualified graduate, but includes so much more:

To apply for a Knowledge Transfer Partnership companies should:

Find out more about the eligibility criteria for KTP here.

In the first instance, you should talk to a Knowledge Transfer Adviser who can answer all your questions about Knowledge Transfer Partnerships, checking the feasibility of your idea and its suitability for funding. Advisers can then help find an academic partner and draw up a grant application with you.

Locate and contact your local Knowledge Transfer Adviser on this map of KTA locations or from the list here.

A few business grants are available for businesses in Swansea including a start-up grant, a UK steel grant and a website development grant.

The WTIF is provided by the Welsh Government in partnership with the Development Bank of Wales, bringing together both grant and commercial funding into one combined package of financial support. Its key objective is to finance capital investment projects in the tourism sector in Wales which will have a positive impact on both the sector and the Welsh economy.

Ceredigion County Council has secured funding alongside Powys County Council from the Welsh Governments’ Transforming Towns Programme to help support capital investment to regenerate a number of our towns across Mid Wales.

The Transforming Towns Place Making Grant offers support for a wide range of projects, from green infrastructure developments to internal and external commercial and residential improvements for business owners.

Potential projects will need to satisfy eligibility criteria which will include demonstrating clear links to a current Town Place Plan or Town Centre Strategy. Also, potential projects will need to satisfy the Transforming Towns Place Making Grant Framework criteria.

Applicants can discuss potential projects with their local project officer who can advise whether the project could be eligible and help with the expression of interest process.The grant will run for three years commencing 01/04/22, with projects needing to complete by 01/03/25.

The scheme is open to private businesses, including developers, third sector businesses, and the public sector. It is not available to private individuals.

Innovators and entrepreneurs with sustainable project ideas are being urged to apply for grants that will drive post-Covid economic recovery in Denbighshire.

Led by Cadwyn Clwyd and Denbighshire Voluntary Services Council (DVSC), the £600,000 Community Innovation Denbighshire project will focus on encouraging micro firms, community groups and social enterprises in rural and urban areas to put forward proposals that will deliver regional and environmental benefits.

Supported by Denbighshire County Council and part-funded by the UK Government through the £220m UK Community Renewal Fund, support is available for 25 organisations or individuals who can apply for a £5,000 grant they will match-fund to trial new products, systems, and services.

For more information, email [email protected] or call 01490 340500.


In Scotland there are a few larger organisations who offer a number of different funding opportunities.

Better Business Finance: A portal that provides impartial information and support to businesses and entrepreneurs looking to develop and grow. Use this search to find out exactly what grant funding is available to your business with a complete list of known grants in Scotland.

Scottish Enterprise: A non-departmental public body which encourages economic development, enterprise and innovation in Scotland. For all grants and funding information please click here.

Business Gateway: Offers advice and guidance to start-up companies and established companies across Scotland. See below for specifics on grants and funding.

Business Grants Scotland

The Scottish Growth Scheme is a package of financial support of up to £500m for Scottish businesses. It's backed by the Scottish Government and aims to help businesses grow.

This funding will be provided through a series of initiatives which businesses can access for investment. The level of funding depends on which initiative you choose.

The Scottish Venture Fund invests in companies from start-ups, early-stage to expanding businesses seeking funding to develop products and/or markets.

This fund can invest alongside sophisticated private sector investors on equal terms, up to a maximum of 50 per cent of the total funding package on a commercial basis. This flexible equity gap fund invests alongside private sector investors, offering equity funding from £10,000 up to £2m.

The Open Fund has separate funding strands for individuals and organisations within the creative industries.

The Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre's (IBioIC) Facilities Access Fund will allow businesses to apply for grants of up to £10,000 (though more likely to be £5,000) to give IBoIC members access to HEI facilities at 100 per cent fEC.

You can contact the project team to apply.

Paused for new enquiries

Are you looking to grow your Scottish manufacturing company by developing low carbon products, processes or services? The LCMCF supports projects that will speed up the transition to a low carbon economy in the manufacturing industry. Grants with a minimum value of £150,000 are available.

Your idea can include, but is not limited to:

Funding will be available from May 19 2022 until March 31 2026.

The Green Heat Innovation Support Programme is looking for innovative ways to deliver a decarbonised heat supply chain.

We’re looking for new products or processes that can improve the thermal performance of heated buildings at a price which is affordable to consumers. Solutions can be new or retrofitted, as long as they aim to improve heat sustainability in domestic and commercial buildings.

Funded by Scottish Government, and managed by Scottish Enterprise as a national Scotland CAN DO innovation challenge call, it's open to any eligible company in Scotland.

Grant support for 100 per cent of the eligible project costs is available. This will allow companies to undertake detailed analysis, design, and assessment of the technical and commercial feasibility of their proposed solution over a period of three to four months. The project submission deadline is 22 December 2023.

Grants between £30,000 and £50,000 are available for companies in Scotland. The size of grant is based on the actual cost to the company. Each application is assessed according to the requirements provided in the challenge details.

Deadline for applications is 12pm on July 7 2023.

To apply, download and complete an application form on the website linked above. Send the completed form to [email protected] by the deadline.

RSA is a discretionary grant aimed at encouraging capital investment and job creation in Assisted Areas of Scotland, classified as Tiers 2 and 3. The grant is available for businesses who want to develop a project in these areas.

Depending on the location of your project and the size of your business, different levels of RSA are available. 

We can typically support up to 35 per cent of the eligible costs for a small/medium sized enterprise (SME) and 15 per cent of the eligible costs for a large enterprise.

Projects must last between six and 36 months, and the minimum grant considered is £100,000.

To apply, fill in a form on the website linked above and the team will review and send feedback on your project proposal.

Through this programme of investment, the EventScotland team fund major, world-class events which are raising the profile of Scotland's Perfect Stage around the world.

They support events though this programme in a number of ways: working in partnership with local authorities and governing bodies on bids to secure major international properties for Scotland; communicating directly with event organisers for annual events where they have an established relationship, and; actively looking for new and existing events to bring to Scotland for the first time.

If you would like to discuss any opportunities further, please contact through the link above.

Useful link: – Looking for funding? Find the right finance for your business here

NESTRANS supports development of travel plans in Aberdeen City and Shire. Applicants can bid for up to £10,000 in matched funding to support sustainable transport initiatives.

Competition rounds run throughout the year. The next one opens in July 2023.

Scottish EDGE is ‘a competition aimed at identifying and supporting Scotland's up-and-coming, innovative, high-growth potential entrepreneurial talent’. Winners can receive up to £100,000 in funding plus a business support package to help them make the most of any grant money.

The main categories within which awards are made are: STV Growth, Creative, Social Enterprise, and Circular Economy businesses.

This scheme is focused on providing financial support for businesses involved in the creation of either new woodland spaces or the sustainable management of existing woodlands. It is managed by the Scottish Rural Payments and Services agency and Scottish Forestry.

The FWDF is open both to UK Apprenticeship Levy paying employers and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Scotland.

Where specific training needs cannot be provided via a local college, Levy payers have the option to access funding through an independent training provider (via SDS), the total fund available through this route being £2m. SMEs can work with either their local college or with the Open University to access training up to the value of £5,000.

By accessing the FWDF, employers in Scotland:

The CBFS is managed by Arts & Business Scotland, an independent charity. The fund offers pound for pound match funding for eligible projects of between £1,000 and £40,0

This discretionary fund from Inverclyde Council provides financial assistance to help businesses in the area achieve specific business growth objectives. The fund can cover up to 50 per cent of eligible capital expenditure costs, with a maximum contribution of £5,000.

Applicants must submit:

If the business is operating from commercial premises, you must also submit evidence of ownership of a lease. If the grant is for building works, you must also clarify if planning permission and a building warrant are required.

You will need to meet with a business adviser from Business Gateway Inverclyde before you receive an application form.

You are eligible if:

00 (excluding VAT) and is available across two tiers:

The Fife's financial support covers businesses in the area looking to invest and grow. The fund amount is up to 70 per cent or £10,000, whichever is the smaller cost. It's fully repayable and must be paid back over an agreed period except for some small funds which are a mixture of repayable and straight grant funded support.

Funding is intended to be used for measures like product development and property improvements as well as training and market development.

This scheme will give you at grant of up to £2,000 if you’re looking to improve productivity and profitability through staff training.The workforce upskilling grant can be a 100 per cent contribution so if the total cost of the training is £2,000 or less, they’ll cover the full amount.

Orkney Islands Council fund the New Business Start Up Grant and can give you £500-£1,500. The main condition is that applicants must be developing a new start-up business and build a full-time sustainable enterprise.

The council is looking to target tourism, food and drink, renewable energy, lifeline local service providers and community-based social enterprise companies. Franchise businesses are also eligible.

This grant is for people in West Dunbartonshire to get up to £500 support with their business start-up costs. You must put forward a business plan and provide proof of trading such as evidence of a business bank account and identification like a passport or birth certificate.

Northern Ireland Business Grants

This Proof of Concept Grant Fund from Techstart is a pre-commercial grant awarding fund. It supports entrepreneurs in Northern Ireland with grants to explore the viability and commercial potential of an innovative concept.

Techstart gives out concept grants of either up to £10,000 or a concept plus grant of up to £35,000. Concept Grants are awarded every three months while Concept Plus Grants are awarded every six months.

Applicants can get up to £15,000 to go towards staff training for firms involved in manufacturing or internationally tradeable services. Just be aware that it's only open to Invest Northern Ireland customers.

If you’re able to show that you intend to sell outside Northern Ireland, are actively working towards growth plans, and will contribute to increasing productivity and innovation in Northern Ireland, you could become a customer of Invest NI.

The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs is a government department in the Northern Ireland Executive. Its Forestry Grant Scheme for 2014-2020 as four main objectives for businesses involved in: expanding forests, protecting existing forests, woodland management and the ‘agri environment’.

The Acumen programme aims to enhance the capacity and capability of SMEs to take the first formal steps onto the export ladder by helping to fund an experienced and skilled sales resource to help businesses to identify new opportunities and win new sales in the cross-border market.

There are two funding options available under the Acumen programme.

Full-time Sales Support

Acumen offers a valuable contribution towards the cost of a full-time sales resource, for a 12-month period, up to a maximum of €21,562/£17,250.

A full-time sales resource must be an individual directly employed by the business and not a contractual representative. They can reside within the same or opposite jurisdiction to your business, whatever option works best for your business.

Part-time Sales Support

Acumen offers a valuable contribution towards the cost of a part-time sales resource, for a 6-12-month period, up to a maximum of €11,500/£9,200.

A part-time sales resource can be an individual directly employed by the business or alternatively a contractual representative e.g. experienced sales agent, consultant or a lead generation company. They can reside within the same or opposite jurisdiction to your business, whatever option works best for your business.

Apply through the website.

Belfast City Council have opened a pilot capital grant scheme to incentivise both property owners and potential occupiers to bring vacant Belfast city centre spaces back into use and support the city centre's revitalisation.

Property owners, businesses, social enterprises and cultural and voluntary organisations wishing to renovate or repurpose a vacant space can apply.

Applicants will be expected to contribute a minimum of 10 per cent match funding to the grant if successful and must have the ability to deliver the scheme within nine months of receiving the Letter of Offer.

Grants from £2,500 to £25,000 are available to support the occupation of vacant city centre premises.

It is anticipated that the following capital costs will be covered:

Email your application with all supporting documentation (listed on the website) to [email protected]. The Vacant to Vibrant pilot capital grant scheme is open until July 2024, or until funding has been exhausted. Applications will be awarded funding on a first-come, first-served basis.

Business Finance in Northern Ireland

In addition to the grants mentioned above, we should also mention that there are a number of government managed SME funding available operated under the aegis of Invest NI, Northern Ireland's inward investment agency. The agency oversees £186 million worth of debt and equity funding, beginning with seed stage through to Series A and, ultimately, equity funding. The main funds are:

Small Business Loan Fund

Loans range up to £100,000 for existing businesses and up to £15,000 for start-ups in Northern Ireland.

Growth Loan Fund II (ERDF)

A £30m loan fund designed to support export-focused Northern Ireland SMEs demonstrating growth or strong growth potential.

Growth Finance Fund

A £30m loan fund designed to support export-focused NI SMEs demonstrating growth or strong growth potential.

Equity funding

Co-Fund NI

The Co-Fund NI is a £50m equity fund for early-stage start-ups that will co-invest alongside business angels or private investors.

Clarendon Fund Managers (CFM) manages the £17.7m Co-Fund II on behalf of Invest NI.

Development Funds I & II

For companies who require larger sums of cash, there are the £48m Development Funds I & II. These are managed jointly by VC firms Crescent Capital and Kernel Capital.

Development Funds are usually for established companies and they typically won't invest in early-stage ventures. If you have previously raised £150-£300,000, then the Development Funds can provide follow-on funding.

For more detail on these funds, head over to our guide to small business funding Northern Ireland.

UPDATED: Business Grants England HDV) LGV Funding Mentoring Market readiness Cultural/Heritage Attractions – Up to £5,000 Attractions – Up to £2,500 Sustainable Tourism – Up to £2,500 Festivals and Events – Up to £1,000 Eligible businesses Shop front Improvements Empty Shop Support Town Centre Boost [email protected] Eligibility To be eligible for this support you must: [email protected] Green entrepreneurs small grant fund Green entrepreneurs demonstrator grant fund Green entrepreneurs scholarship fund careers service Requirements here Business Grants Wales finance locator on the Business Wales website Who can apply? What type of business? (This list is not exhaustive) What projects are eligible? Fund is closed – may re-open at a later date Knowledge Transfer Partnership Knowledge Transfer Partnership Knowledge Transfer Partnerships Scotland Better Business Finance: Scottish Enterprise: Business Gateway: Business Grants Scotland Paused for new enquiries Useful link: Competition rounds run throughout the year. The next one opens in July 2023. Competition rounds run throughout the year. The next one opens in July 2023. Northern Ireland Business Grants Full-time Sales Support Part-time Sales Support 150. Business Finance in Northern Ireland Small Business Loan Fund Growth Loan Fund II (ERDF) Growth Finance Fund Equity funding Co-Fund NI Clarendon Fund Managers Development Funds I & II Crescent Capital Kernel Capital